Church Janitor asking for help with Medical Bills not covered by Insurance (no out of pocket maximum)

I recently joined my church’s personal committee. Our church janitor came to us with a request for additional money to help with knee surgery. I was shocked, because looking at the insurance plan we have for her it seems to be confusing.

Her salary- $35000 a year 50 years old, Michigan Monthly premium- $2142 (paid in total by the church)

So her premium is very high in my opinion. Here is her plan benefits:

$0 medical deductible $20 office visit copay $10 Rx deductible $100 ER copay $50 Ambulance copay 100% coinsurance

The weirdest part is that for maximum out of pocket expense it says “N/A” which I assume is “not applicable”. I’ve never seen anything like this before. I thought all plans had to have a maximum oop expense.

She needs knee surgery and because of the no maximum out of pocket expense she is worried it will cost a lot of money for her out of pocket. To be honest, all of us on the board are just kind of confused. We’ve asked her if she can contact her doctor to get a better idea of the expense.

But to be blunt- is this plan crazy? Should we be looking at a new plan for our employee? Thank you for any insight.

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