Choosing the Right Plan for Therapy

Hi everyone,

I am currently in the process of switching jobs and I am, as a result, selecting benefits for my new job. The health insurance company for both my old and new job is Anthem, but the difference in plans is confusing.

At my old job, there is a lower premium plan (employee pays $40 biweekly) and a lower deductible plan (employee pays $71 biweekly). I'm currently on the lower deductible plan and pay $71 biweekly.

At my new job, there are 3 plans to choose from (pasted from the site):

The first is Anthem HDHP Basic HSA, which combines a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a tax-qualified Health Savings Account (HSA). Has highest deductible but the lowest employee cost. This is $29.88 biweekly.

The second is Anthem PPO Premier HRA, has a lower deductible and lower out of pocket expenses. A Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) is automatically opened for you with Anthem Act. This is $85.22 biweekly.

The third is Anthem PPO Premier Plus, offers the lowest deductible at a higher employee cost. You are not eligible for the Wellness Incentive payout if enrolled in this plan. There is no HSA or HRA component, however you can enroll in a Medical FSA. This is $235.18 biweekly.

I am a 23 year old healthy male, and I go to the doctor around once/twice a year for checkups and such. I make $80,000 a year and live in Colorado. I also go to therapy once a week, because I like it and its good for me. My copay for therapy is $15, and I'm worried that in order to keep paying that I have to get the $240 plan. I don't know how deductibles work with therapy copay and would love advice and perspective on what plan you think I should take.

See also  2023 ICHRA Affordability Threshold

Thank you!

submitted by /u/qwyvern