I am not understanding the benefits of choosing a PPO over the HDHP. In my case, the deductible for the HDHP is actually lower than the PPO deductible. I am considering the HDHP for myself and my child, is there something I’m missing? I also am planning on getting pregnant this year and giving birth in 2025. Here are some specifics:


-premium: $80/biweekly for individual + children

-deductible: $3200 for family

-OOP Max: $7350 for family

-coinsurance: 90%

-I pay 10% for all doctors visits, surgeries, and hospital stays (seems like this would likely be $30-$40 per doctor visit anyway, maybe less)


-premium: $104/biweekly for individual + children

-deductible: $6000 for family

-OOP Max: $8000 for family

-coinsurance: 100%

-copays: $35 office, $75 specialist, $250 ER

-I pay 0% for outpatient surgery and inpatient hospital stay (this is the only part that makes me reconsider)

Prescriptions were exactly the same for both plans.

I am otherwise healthy except needing monthly meds for chronic issues (mental health). My pregnancy will likely be high risk due to complications I had previously.

I would love to hear an outside perspective. Thanks!

submitted by /u/paigfife

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