Choosing an insurance after a heart attack

Hi everyone,

I would love advice from you on how to help my dad pick an insurance. He just had a heart attack on Friday. His job has open enrollment now and a new insurance starts on July 1st.

I have attached the options at his work on the imgur link. He has already chosen the Option 1 PPO, but he can change it before Thursday.

It seems like his cardiologist during all this is in both the PPO small network and HMO network. After this heart attack, he will have to be on 4 medications and will need rehab as well as visits with the cardiologist every 6-8 weeks.

My thinking is that the one he chose is good, because he will meet the $500 deductible and then start getting 90 % coverage until a 4,000 oopm. However, then I started being curious if the $2,000 difference in premium between the HMO and PPO is worth it. It seems like it would be since HMO deductible is $3,000 so that is already a $2,500 difference.

Knowing he will be needing a lot of medical care in the next year, which option would be best if it seems like the doctors who were treating him in the hospital are in both networks.

Thank you so much for your help and advice!

Insurance Options

Edit: He is 59 years old, in Illinois, and makes around $95,000.

submitted by /u/nkbl_dog

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