Children’s didn’t bill the correct primary insurance back in January – how screwed am I?

My husband quit a job in mid January. He had a high deductible plan through Anthem with an HSA at that time. The high deductible plan was effective through February 1st because we had paid for January.

His new plan is a PPO plan also through Anthem. There was a few day overlap.

Naturally during that overlap our son had to have an urgent MRI to rule out a brain tumor as well as a neurology visit. When we registered for the visits and MRI we told them we had the first insurance and a new insurance and provided the new insurance. They told us they already had the primary on file.

Well, I just called billing because I was concerned that they did not bill the correct insurance and found that they did not bill the high deductible plan at all for either the neurology visit or the MRI.

I provided them the id and they are re-running/reviewing those claims.

My head is swimming with horrible thoughts now. When they re-run the insurance will we be totally screwed? The HDHP had an out of pocket max of $5000 and the new insurance has a $1000 deductible for each person. We ended up paying $2000. Are we now going to have to pay the extra $3000? Will this cause a ripple effect with all of our claims to date? Will they have to re-do every claim for the entire year because of this error? I’m freaking out

submitted by /u/Ok-Sir-9877

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