My son has a rare, chronic medical condition that requires several specialist visits per year, outpatient hospital services (4+ per year), lab work every 3 months, annual MRIs and X rays. We have already accumulated almost 10k in medical debt in his four years of life (which doesn’t include the 10k in medical bills that have already been paid). We are fortunate that our children’s hospital offers a payment plan since my household income does not qualify for any sort of financial assistance and while chronic, my son’s condition is not disabling so he doesn’t qualify for any state coverage.

Here’s where I need advice. It’s open enrollment and I’m trying to decide on a healthcare plan for 2024. My husband and I have regular medical expenses, but my son maxes out his out of pocket max (5000 in 2022, 5500 in 2023) every year. Currently, we have a plan with a 3500 family deductible with a 5500 individual out of pocket max and 11000 family out of pocket max. We pay $440/month in premium costs plus another $450/month in HSA contributions.

I made this spreadsheet to estimate total cost. We’re considering going with the 5500/11000 deductible plan since that is the lowest cost for my son’s care, but I’m concerned about having “less” coverage. Since we’re paying a lower premium cost, we would max out our HSA contributions (google tells me that’s $8,300 for families in 2024).

I’m looking for advice on which plan is best and/or reassurance the highest deductible plan is best. Thanks!!

submitted by /u/sentimentalpanda

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