Child needs hospitalization while overseas

Hello. My 7 month old baby has a hegemonia which was not treated by the doctors in US, we were told to just leave it alone and it will dissappear by itself wothin a few years. We traveled to Europe where we are staying until the end of this month. The spot started bleeding and baby seems to be pretty irritated. We went to a specialist here in Poland and he said that it needs to be treated asap, he prescribed an ointment but said that we should get into a hospital to get it treated with a beta blocker medication while being monitored by a cardiologist. He was surprised that it has not been treated in US as it is very big under the skin. My baby is on a Medicaid Managed plan which does not cover medical care overseas. We wanted to get a travel medical insurance before we left but were told that baby will lose his Medicaid insurance if we get any other commercial insurance so we opted out. I cant find any insurance which will cover the treatment and hospitalization when it’s purchased for a preexisting condition and while we are already abroad. I checked with my banks but they won’t cover it as well. We will probably have to pay out of pocket.

Do you know of any way of having it covered or reimbursed?

Thank you!

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