Cheap health insurance for a 31-year-old medical student

Hi, I was just hoping for some advice regarding options for people in my position. My school offers insurance, but it’s like $3,300/year and that seems excessive to me when I only go like once or twice a year. And they require us to have an ACA-approved plan. I’ve narrowed my options down to this:

Pay for the school insurance, which is what I’ve been doing for the last three years

Catastrophic coverage through the marketplace: Has anyone done this? What are the premiums like? Does affordability vs. hardship exemption make a difference?

I’ve made around $2,500 on eBay so far this year, and I plan on driving for Uber soon. Even though I don’t have a steady income right now, can I just estimate my future income to exceed $12k or whatever the poverty line is at so that I can get tax credits? I realize lying is illegal and you can be fined, but what if I honestly think I can make it happen?

What do y’all think? Are there any other options I’m missing? I know I could apply through the marketplace for coverage, but I don’t think it’ll be any cheaper than my school. Appreciate any help!

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