Charged two co-pays for one visit?

I booked an appointment with a specialist. Took great care in confirming the fees for the appointment and that the specialist would be in network. When I arrived, and after a brief exam, the doctor informed me she typically did appointments with her colleague, who she then brought in the room to offer his advice on my condition.

I later discovered that I was billed for two separate appointments, and have to pay two co-pays. I can manage, but the principal bothers me – I didn’t ask for a second opinion, I didn’t give approval for the charges. I called billing at the practice and explained this and they indicated that every separate doctor who walks in the room will charge for their services.

Am I crazy, or is this insane? Can I dispute this? And if not, how in the world do I ensure this doesn’t happen again? I have future appointments with this team and I’m very uncomfortable with the prospect of double fees.

Thank you for any advice!

submitted by /u/AdNormal7071

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