Changed the place of service after the authorization – is it ok?

I have been recommended for MRI, and my pcp requested for the MRI scan in one of local in network places on April 18th, but I asked my PCP office's referral coordinator to change the place to somewhere else a little farther because it was still in network but was about $100 cheaper, which she obliged. I got a call from the BCBSNC general (?) line to make an appointment at the new place. Shop around the costs, yall because you really have to dig for the information from the insurance.

I just got a physical mail from BCBS dating April 18th that my MRI scan has been authorized, but it still has the previous place of service as "place of service." My question is, should I call BCBS again to ensure that they will cover my MRI even though I changed my place of service (also in network)? I think that it's honestly none of their business where I go to get a service as long as it's in-network.

submitted by /u/calcetines100

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