Change plans after a "life event" ?

I'm trying to pick a new plan for 2023 through my employer, and I assume it's common that you only get to pick once a year, unless you have a qualifying life event during the year.

I have two factors I'm considering … some long-term sciatica issues that have defied diagnosis so far and cost a lot of money to keep getting tests done … and … potential marriage (we're ready, just haven't had a reason to go through the steps yet).

What I'm thinking of doing is getting a Platinum plan to start with in 2023, so I can get as much of my sciatica diagnosis and treatment done without worrying so much about co-pays and deductibles. Then when we get married in spring/summer, I'm assuming that would be a "life event", and if my sciatica is improved by then, I could downgrade to a lower tier of coverage to include my now-spouse.

As far as I can see, there's nothing wrong with this plan, but I just wanted opinions from folks who likely know a lot more than me.



submitted by /u/nolanday64

See also  🥺 Please help - Health Plan Coverage