Catastrophic Insurance vs. Cheapest Bronze Insurance

So I'm 23, I make about $105k a year, and I'm self employed so I need to buy health insurance independently. I'm pretty healthy, and basically never go to the doctor OTHER than the fact that I'm trans and need my hormone levels tested every 6 months and testosterone perscribed once a month. Out of Pocket a local LGBT clinic can do this for $100 or less per visit, and Testosterone is easy to get for less than $30 on GoodRx..

Right now my options in NYC are pay at minimum $600 per month for the shittiest coverage with a $8,000 deductable, and a $55 copay on perscriptions AFTER the deductible. Pay $850 for slightly better insurance where the copay is $35 before deductable. OR, I qualify for catastrophic insurance, where I can pay $200-300 for insurance that only covers basic preventative care and emergencies up to $9,000.

In my view, it seems to make more sense to get the catastrophic insurance just to have peace of mind in case of accidents. I have enough saved to be able to cover $9,000 and the out of pocket costs of the trans-related health visits. It seems outrageous to pay like $600 a month when I don't really need that much healthcare? I know it's a gamble but since I'm self employed, throwing $600 at insurance A MONTH when my income is not exactly ensured seems also like a gamble. Any advice?

submitted by /u/leftzoloft

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