I have just started an entry level job at an insurance company. I work in their customer service department handling medicare grievances.

I would like to find advice on trying to plan a career in this industry and move up in the company, but I cannot find anywhere to actually get advice or network. I work from home and basically never see anyone from the company except my direct supervisor and the 7 other entry level people that joined the company with me.

I've tried to ask for advice before and more than once been directed toward account management. Based on the job description, and interacting with a plan servicer at my company, I am interested in trying to pursue this position, but I'd like some advice about how to pursue it.

So far, my attempts to speak to account managers at my company and to apply to open positions haven't gotten me any leads. The amount of applicants on indeed postings seems like it's going to be a competitive search and I don't already have sales experience. I know I'd do better as account support rather than sales, but I don't know enough about the field or how insurance is organized to narrow down my job search more.

Any advice on planning my escape from the burning ship of a department I'm in before I'm the last one left on-board?

submitted by /u/Aureole-and-Virga

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