Can’t unenroll dependent from employer insurance

After some back and forth with customer service at my payroll provider, I would like to see if Reddit can advise in this situation.

My company recently switched payroll providers, and after the transition I noticed my paychecks were smaller – my spouse was enrolled as a dependent without my permission.

My spouse has had coverage with Kaiser through CoveredCalifornia (the marketplace), and has not needed my employer health plan. She was, however, enrolled in my employer’s dental plan.

After calling my new payroll provider to remove her from my plan and reimburse me for the withheld payroll, they rejected my case because the carrier states they can’t remove her from the plan outside of open enrollment without a qualifying life event.

The payroll transition happened in March, which means her enrollment to my employer’s plan happened outside the open enrollment period.

I called the payroll provider again and they asked me to provide proof of coverage outside of my employer’s plan.

Would a 1095-B work? What other documents could I provide to proof my spouse has been covered all along and never required my insurance?

Thanks for your help!

TLDR: payroll provider enrolled spouse in health plan without consent. Now says carrier cannot unenroll outside open enrollment. Need proof of coverage for the period up to the enrollment in my employer’s plan (March this year). Wondering what documents I should submit.

submitted by /u/lolokii

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