Can’t get past identity verification on site

I became self employed in 2020 and have been on a short-term insurance plan with United Health since then (two terms). My second term is up and I was going to re-apply but decided to go with a 'real' healthcare plan through the Marketplace. So I applied 3 weeks ago and had major issues getting my application status to change to "complete". That took a few calls to the folks who had to manually go in and work their magic. I was then finally able to sign up for a plan but ever since then have not been able to get past the identity verification step. I have uploaded numerous copies of my DL, SS card, birth certificate, etc. and have called a handful of times only to be told "it takes awhile". I've also mailed a copy of my DL to their verification dept. but have heard nothing. I'm getting anxious because the deadline is coming up in 2 weeks and I also have to pay the first month's premium which is almost $700 (I don't qualify for subsidies) but have been told I could be dropped if my identity isn't verified. Then I would be out the $700 premium and have no health insurance. I have Googled the issue and cannot find much. I've unfrozen my credit on all 3 of the reporting agencies websites and re-uploaded my verification documents. I'm an American-born citizen if that matters. I don't know what to do. Are there any alternatives to going with a plan on the Marketplace that would still be 'real' health insurance? I just want an ACA plan because these short-term plans I was on have so many exclusions and I've read enough horror stories about them trying to get out of paying claims. I also have a preexisting condition that will start over with the 12 months of exclusion if I go with a non-ACA plan. I don't know much at all about health insurance so if some of you know what else I can do, I'd appreciate it. I have a broker but he really encouraged me to stay on the short-term plan. Thanks!

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submitted by /u/IWantAllTheHorses