can’t afford to have health insurance?

i’m just wondering if anyone can help me understand. i make $20 an hour, just enough to put me up into the next tax bracket. i don’t qualify for the state’s insurance anymore, so i needed to shop for plans. my job pays for my premium, but my deductible is $3200 and my out of pocket max is $4800. i’m already $5100 in the hole for pre existing bills which i’m paying off now. rent, groceries, and gas are enough to keep me living paycheck to paycheck almost, and it’s important to me that i put money into savings. i would not be able to afford paying for appointments or medications out of pocket without doing a payment plan. what am i supposed to do? i’d still be paying off this year’s deductible next year when it resets. so do i just keep going into debt so i can get care? or do i just not go to the doctor at all and have this plan in case an emergency happens? i kinda need healthcare though, especially for my mental health. 🙁 i could maybe afford 1 or 2 visits a month out of pocket, but then i wouldn’t even meet the deductible so it’s pointless anyway. i just feel like i’m fucked, does anyone have some insights or suggestions?

submitted by /u/megaroonii

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