Cancelling loved one’s health insurance after death?


(Maine – I believe that's the only relevant information that would be needed?)

I'm wondering if anyone might have some insight on this issue. My grandmother passed away roughly a month and a half ago. (Retired, marketplace insurance.) My mom is trying to cancel her Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance, and they won't allow her to..? She has the death certificate and just about every other piece of information I would think you would need. But they said they won't even talk to her about it unless she's the executor of the estate, which she hasn't been able to do yet – And basically that she'll need to continue to pay for the insurance in the mean time? She said she won't do that and they said "well it's automatic payments soo" and she told them the checking account is closed, due to her not being alive and all, so good luck with that.. To which they said she "couldn't do that." I'm really confused. This doesn't seem correct. Is there even a negative consequence to be had, given that she's not on this Earth anymore, and the checking account is closed? Could it negatively impact my grandfather, who has the same plan, (but I don't think connected? Because the payment for his comes from his own checking account? I honestly don't know how it works for married couples.)

Also, this may be a stupid question – But could they retroactively not cover any of my grandmother's pre-death medical expenses due to non-payment now? That would only be for future medical expenses, I would think, but after them giving us such a hard time, I'm not sure.

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Thank you.

submitted by /u/Witchpie_