Can you have a farm bureau health plan or a short term insurance plan and a real insurance plan through ACA or employment at the same time?

So I got really unlucky with COBRA and I am trying to appeal it, but the appeal may take 30 days. In the mean time, I am wondering whether I should buy a short term insurance plan? I don't know if COBRA will rule in my favor (for more info, see previous post). But in any case, I am trying to buy short term health insurance for now since I am awaiting COBRA's appeal decision, which could take an entire month. Is it okay to have a short term plan plus COBRA/ACA/job based health plan? If I don't have full time employment by November, I will sign up for ACA, but it won't kick in until Jan 1. If I get job based insurance, obviously I will choose that. If I can get COBRA back, I will choose COBRA. But since the short term plans make you specify a time period, can you have both the short term plan and a 'real insurance plan' (ACA compliant e.g. employmemt or marketplace plan)at the same time? Or is there a penalty for this?

Basically, I just want the short term plan until I know for sure I can have ACA compliant insurance. I know the non ACA plans have their problems since they can deny pre-existing conditions or have payout limits or deny out of network even for emergencies, but in my mind it's better than having nothing at all?

submitted by /u/Forsaken_Vampit

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