Can you find out premiums and specific plans offered by employers during application process?

I’m a 42 y/o male and don’t have a ton of experience with employer subsidized health plans. I’ve mostly run my own business and worked in real estate, so I’ve just been getting my healthcare from the marketplace.

I recently started a new job that offers insurance, and during the interview process I had a lot of questions about healthcare coverage. Monthly premiums, specific plans, and whether all my doctors were in network. They seemed surprised I was asking about this. They couldn’t offer much info, but said I’d get an email from a 3rd party a month into employment, and I’d have several plans from UnitedHealthCare to choose from. They also said they pay half of the cost of all plans.

I was looking into the plans today. There’s 2 to choose from. One has a high deductible and minimal coverage. My only reasonable option was the 2nd one with lower deductible and more coverage. It would amount to $340/month out of pocket. Meaning if my employer is covering half, this is a $680/month plan. I shop for new plans yearly on the marketplace. I’ve never seen a $680/month plan as an option. The highest I’ve seen was just over $500.

I’m wondering if my employer wasn’t being truthful about covering 50% of the plan. I’m also not liking the job and I’m already seeking new employment. Moving forward, is it reasonable to ask specific questions during the interview process to find out how much I can expect to be paying for healthcare, and what the specific plans cover?

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