I belong to a BCBS HMO (Keystone Health Plan East) from the marketplace (ACA coverage with subsidy). I rolled into this years plan from last year with no plan changes. My insurance card with my current plan # etc lists my primary care practice. In the past month, I have started getting my referrals ready for my yearly tests and specialist visits. I was approved for my yearly CT-Scan and the referral shows up in my online profile. What also shows up, and I was told when I called to make the appointment, is that I need to choose a primary care practice. I cannot even schedule the test without doing so. When I look on the health care portal, it now lists the primary care practice that I use as not allowed for primary care for my plan. Even though it shows on my card. Even though it was when I first signed up. I now have a choice of approximately 20 physicians to choose from, none of which appeal to me, and most of which are PAs and NPs. I am 62, have a fairly complicated health history, and I am quite at a loss that they can just decide to disallow my primary care that I have been using under this plan. Is there someway I can fight this?

submitted by /u/affenage

See also  BCBS denied hospital stay because it was “deemed not medically necessary”