Can someone help me understand this jargon please

I’m trying to figure out if my plan has a copay accumulator or not and this is the best thing I could find in my certificate of coverage. I can’t figure out if they are saying. I want to make sure the aren’t saying that they won’t apply what the assistance program pays towards my deductible and will just apply what I end up paying at the end of the day after assistance toward my deductible. Hope this makes sense! Thanks sm!!

“Drug Cost Share Assistance Programs: Where permitted by applicable law, if you qualify for certain non-needs based drug cost share assistance programs offered by drug manufacturers (either directly or indirectly through third parties) to reduce the Deductible, Copayment, or Coinsurance you pay for certain Specialty Drugs, the reduced amount you pay may be the amount we apply to your Deductible and/or Out-of-Pocket Limit when the Prescription Drug is provided by an In-Network Provider.”

submitted by /u/Jumpy-Kangaroo-7266

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