Can someone help me understand my health insurance?

This is my first time having health insurance that's from an employer and not some crappy public healthcare and I have no one to explain it to me so I'm a bit lost.

I have Aetna and it seems to be an 80/20 plan, so they pay 80% and I pay 20%. That, I understand. It then tells me I have a $400 deductible for In-Network-Spending and then my out of pocket max is $2,200. For out of network, my deductible is $2,500 and my out of pocket max is $4,400. What does that mean?

I pay $20 copay to see a regular doctor, $40 to see a specialist, $50 for Urgent Care? That seems a little high to walk into an urgent care, no? It also tells me things like "Your plan will pay the full amount for this service after you meet your out-of-pocket max." Some places I don't pay for at all, like minute clinics and virtual visits, and then it says for some other things "Deductible waived"

I'm confused on it, a bit. Is this good insurance?

submitted by /u/yourgirlalex

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