Can my insurance ask for money back even though they approved my claim initially?

Wowzies! I just opened some mail from February. In the letter our health insurance (Aetna) was asking for 22k back from medication they had initially approved in Oct 2023. The pharmacy I get my meds from makes sure there is coverage before sending my meds out to avoid this since the meds are extremely expensive.

Long story short we didn’t have coverage in October 2023, we were unaware about it until November 2023. We realized it because THEN they refused to cover any medication even though we did have coverage. (I don’t know. I’m still confused on that one.) After lots of calls where they told me they didn’t see why multiple pharmacies said we didn’t have coverage we just accepted we’d go without meds in November.

Anyways I guess I lost this piece of mail until o was deep cleaning yesterday. The letter was from Feb 2024 and they were giving us 30 days to pay the 22k worth of meds they accidentally approved in October (when we were unaware there was no coverage and when pharmacies ran our insurance it showed as covered at the time.)

My question is, can they do this? Should I even call if it’s been that long? I still have insurance with them, I even called about a bill I got in regards to a drs visit in October and this wasn’t brought up.

Sorry if it’s disorganized I’m just freaking out at potentially being on the hook for 22k!

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Educational-Algae262

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