Can my husband add my 18 year old daughter to his work’s health insurance if she’s only considered his stepdaughter?

Can a stepchild typically be added to one's family health insurance plan even if they've not been legally adopted by the stepfather or show up on any recent tax forms?

My daughter just turned 18 and is moving in with us from out of state. Prior to this situation, she was under an insurance plan with her biological father. I always assumed it wasn't easy to just add any non-blood dependents to one's health plan all willy-nilly (especially since it's not like he adopted her). .

My husband just became employed and is looking at his benefit package at the employer office. He's saying it'll be fine to just add her and just not say/ask anything of it to his employer…I feel like that's possibly a bad thing to do and could shoot him in the foot later on. Am I wrong?

I don't have access to the benefits package to read over as of yet. If someone would shine some light on this for me, that'd be great! Trying to explain to him how complicated insurance can be, but he ain't hearing it (and also not the smartest at understanding certain legal paperwork). This is the first time he's gonna have legit health insurance in his whole life (I've always had it through government aid and whatnot)

submitted by /u/ewokieee

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