Can my family be split to two different plans, one subsidized?

My wife and I have two small children, we live in Ohio. Currently, I get healthcare for my whole family through my full time employer. My wife works part time so does not have the option of insurance. She works roughly 27 hours per week, give or take a few, for $17/hr, so around $23,000/year. This is under the 2023 poverty level for a family of three. This will matter in a moment.

We have been talking for years about me eventually quitting my job to turn my side hustle into my only job. I’ve been building my future business for a while, and I’m starting to get too busy to keep up with it while working full time and being a dad. The thing that’s been holding me back all this time is the lack of affordable health insurance. I’m confident that I will eventually surpass my current salary with my new business, but the transition period could be bumpy for a bit.

My question is this. If I quit my job, will my wife and kids be eligible to get subsidized healthcare/insirance as a family of three based on her income while I just get individual marketplace insurance for myself until we are more confident in being able to afford a family plan on our own?

Other details:

We are 37/38, kids 2/4 Zip: 44720 Her income: $23k My income: $56k My side income: no real clue for this year yet, but maybe $10k at most? Last year was $8k but I’ve been super busy the second half of this year.

See also  ACA Income Limits & Other Q