I've been seeing nurse practitioners office to get my psych meds for maybe 9 months now. I was previously on a BCBSIL plan.
Up until this change, everything was normal. My provider has notified me that they have not received any payments for the entire year. I don't really get it, because they're an in network provider. They also told me, via email, that they've not been able to speak with anyone with my insurance to get an explanation.

My new plan is not great. It's Cigna plan, managed by a processing company known as Sisco. I spoke to them today, and it took me all of 5 minutes to get an explanation. I still don't really get how this could be happening. Apparently the Cigna contract has a clause that mandates a $200 discount on all claims. The office bills the visits at $200. So, in all of their genius, they're agreeing to do the visits for free.
Theyve now notified that since my insurance is not paying, they'll billing me directly at the low rate of $90 per visit, going back to January.
Has anyone seen something like this? Can they do that?

submitted by /u/Slevinkellevra710

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