Can my dad get in trouble at work if I use our health insurance too much?

My dad and I do not have a relationship. I have not seen him in 6 years, and he never talks to me. I'm older than 18, so he has no legal obligation to me. The one thing he has done is allow me to stay on his health insurance. I pay for my deductible and any copays or costs that come with treatment.

I recently started a medication called COSENTYX. With insurance and a Cosentyx savings card, I pay $0 a month for this. I've been on this for 2 months, and just got an email from my dad threatening to remove me from the insurance if I don't stop it. COSENTYX charges the insurance about $13,000 each month, and the savings card takes care of the rest, bringing it to $0. My dad is a very narcissistic and selfish person, who also gives little reason to justify his baseless whims. He is saying I need to stop because he "works for a Non-profit organization and the dollars this is costing the company is significant." Is this true? Can this expensive medication affect his health insurance plan negatively? Can it cost his work extra money, or get him in trouble at work? Can it make his premiums increase?

I don't see how this could negatively affect him, when it is essentially free, and I cover all of my medical costs (except he covers the monthly premium). This medication is the only one that is starting to truly help me with my autoimmune disease and I can't go off of it.

submitted by /u/pepperjet27

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