Long story short: my daughters thyroid was enlarged at her recent well visit. Dr. sent us to a local outpatient lab (in network) to get the standard panel and see if her levels were normal. Fast forward and the bill is $700+ for 4 tests!

When we look on the website that estimates costs (our insurance website) it says it should have been much cheaper. But both the hospital and ins. Told us it wasn’t their fault the other charged us this amount.

So I filed an appeal. Based solely on the fact that what the website says we should be charged isn’t what we were charged. Frankly it’s not even close. We were denied because “we didn’t provide enough information”. Apparently they wanted like doctors notes, family history if she’d be susceptible to thyroid disease etc. How am I supposed to know they need that? I’m not arguing the validity of the tests, just the cost. I submitted all the cost Information including billing codes, screenshots of what the website says etc.

I am able to do a second appeal. But how do I win this? How in the world can they just ignore that their cost estimates are so wrong? Also, it’s only wrong at this lab. The other lab we’ve been using is dead on.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/baseballlover4ever

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