Can I use both Medi-Cal and Blue Shield of California at the same time?

I got tricked into signing up for Medi-Cal a few years ago. (Long story, not relevant). Anyway since then it’s been completely useless as they recorded my address incorrectly and never told me. So I had zero medical care for four years and my health deteriorated. I finally got the Medi-Cal case opened to fix the address issue, so yay. They say it should be resolved in a couple of months.

In the meantime, I’ve purchased a private individual PPO silver Plan with blue shield of California. It is not subsidized and NOT through covered California. It’s just a regular (extremely expensive) private insurance PPO.

So I am curious- if I use both plans, could blue shield disenroll me? I couldn’t care less if Medí-Cal disenrolls me, but if i lose the PPO I don’t have any other options because I live in a rural area with only two PPO plans, and the other one doesn’t have enough in network providers in my area.

I have looked into how to get rid of the Medi-Cal. I apparently need to provide tax returns, and I don’t have those as I’ve been unemployed for years. So I’m stuck with them until I finally get some healthcare and (hopefully) get healthy enough to work again.

I know a lot of people want medí-cal and it seems weird to want to get rid of it. I’m lucky that I can afford blue shield PPO. I should have never had medí-cal in the first place, but like I said I’m stuck now 🙁

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