Can I retroactively remove a new child if it’s still in the 30 day window?

Just had a child, he was added to both my wife's insurance through her work and my insurance through my work. The reason being both is that hospital my wife works at isn't covered in network under my insurance and that's where she really wanted the baby. He's on my insurance because coverage outside the hospital is better on mine.

It's been a little over 3 weeks and we started get bills but they aren't using her insurance they are using mine which is a big problem because it's out of network. The cost difference is like 10 times as much. From the bills I can see now, we are so far looking at 5000 vs 500 if it were her insurance.

We called to figure out what's going on and apparently under utah state law if children are double covered then children's primary insurance is which ever parent has the first birthday in a year, which would be my insurance. This sounded fake but I was able to confirm on my states insurance gov site that that is the law.

So we hosed ourselves by adding him to my insurance. Can we undo this so it's like we didn't enroll as it's still in the 30 day period of the qualifying life event? We never would have added him if we had know this is how the billing would have worked.

submitted by /u/RedditUserData

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