Can I have two insurance plans? One through NY State and one through school?

Hey everyone, I'm a graduate student in NYC, currently on the Marketplaace Essential Plan 4 through Healthfirst, which is zero-cost.

My therapist that I have through my university, whom I'm quite reliant on, is quitting in July. Her rate is $250 a session and her only accepted insurance is Aetna, who don't do individual plans in New York. Luckily, literally 2 hours ago, the unviersity announced they were switching their student plan to Aetna, which is a lifesaver!

The insurance is $350 a month, which is certainly cheaper than paying for therapy out of pocket and will be my biggest expense. However, the copays are high – 15% on average even for an in-network provider, which makes other procedures pretty expensive/

In just the last 4 months, all the visits and procedures I've had were free, but with the student plan would fost cost around $1500 total with the 15% coinsurance for in-network providers.

Is it possible for me to keep my essential plan to use for everything else, and use my student health plan just for therapy?

submitted by /u/thepeakspeaks

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