Can I have both Covered CA and Medi-Cal if I’m technically eligible for both?

Since Covered CA calculates income annually, and Medi-Cal calculates it according to the current month, I'm currently theoretically eligible for both a subsidized Covered CA plan (due to projected total annual income) and Medi-Cal (due to current monthly income after job changes).

I want to keep a PPO plan because I have complex health issues and a whole team of doctors that wouldn't be accessible through my county's Medi-Cal. But I could also really use the financial help paying for medical expenses (like primary care/behavioral health appts, prescriptions, potential emergencies) while I have limited income.

On the Covered CA application, if the current monthly income you enter is within the Medi-Cal limit, it'll disqualify you from Covered CA plans and refer you to Medi-Cal. I spoke with a Covered CA rep who was able to get me a Covered CA plan by using my annual income instead. But, can I still get Medi-Cal as a secondary insurance by applying through my county, while retaining my Covered CA plan as primary insurance? Or would it disqualify me from Covered CA as soon as I'm deemed eligible for Medi-Cal, even if I'm not appylying for Medi-Cal through the Covered CA website?

That's the main question, but I'm also wondering if it would be any different if I get Medi-Cal through the Working Disabled program as opposed to just regular Medi-Cal. I think I do qualify for Working Disabled.

Hope this all makes sense. I'm planning to call my county Medi-Cal office to ask, but they're super hard to get a hold of, and I'm also not confident the first person I speak to will give me correct info since it's a complex situation. So, hoping someone on here has experience with this in the meantime. TIA for any insights

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submitted by /u/elieax