Can I get some help understanding which plan is best for this period of life?

Hey all,

Plan photos

Hopefully this is allowed here, but it is currently open enrollment at my work. Admittedly, I have never really used health insurance much so don't always understand the plans the best and get confused easily. Attached are the four plans my employer offers. Currently, cannot get a plan through my spouses work, so the four plans in the photos are what we get.

We have had the HDHP last year, but due to out of network coverage it doesn't make it any more affordable. We contribute a little to an HSA with this but don't max it by any means. We do not go to the doctor hardly ever so any visit is 100% out of pocket as we never hit the deductible.

However, we plan to start family planning this upcoming year, so my main question is, do any of these make more sense if we will potentially be pregnant in the next year? What are we looking for in a plan that is beneficial for this time of life?

Also is there anywhere else we could look for a better/more affordable plan? I've been seeing marketplace and Are those the same? In my opinion these plans dont vary much and are costly for us, but again I am pretty ignorant to health insurance so I'd be curious to know peoples thoughts on the cost and any other ideas for options. Thanks again!

submitted by /u/un_linked

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