I went to the ER on August 31st per my neurologist’s instructions. I went in and told them exactly what I needed: an MRI with contrast due to an abnormal MRI a few days prior. My neuro was out on vacation over the long weekend so he couldn’t / didn’t send a referral, just told me to go to the ER and tell them the situation.

They take me in, I wait forever, they take my vitals twice and finally the doctor comes in and says “we have no neurologists on-site so we can’t provide an MRI. We have to send you home, sorry :/“

And that was literally it. They sent me home after but they made me pay $579 for my “co-pay”. I paid with my AMEX because this was the 3rd ER I went to & I was defeated. I didn’t see the bill & I haven’t received a bill either to even see what I paid for- I’m guessing it was for the room & “consultation”?

Can I fight for a refund considering they did absolutely nothing to help me? All they did was take my vitals and tell me there was no neuro available (which i ask, why they didn’t check that before taking me to a room & having me wait for 2 hours in the first place?). I also definitely hit my out-of-pocket maximum by then as well.

Even my primary said I should fight it. Who do I call?

submitted by /u/bweebus

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