Hi, I injured my knee about a year ago. I ended up getting a third party MRI (because it was cheaper $400). The MRI place wrote a report and gave me a call, said I had a fully torn ACL. They told me if I wanted to get surgery I would need to find a doctor who can do ACL repairs. So I go on my insurance portal and find an orthopedic doctors office, I call them and tell the lady explicitly I have a told ACL can Dr. so and so provide ACL surgery. She said ya we can do that. So I schedule an appointment, provide the MRI results, have the aid and the doctor look at it, they bring me into a side room for a quick xray (no clue why) and tell me ya we can’t do ACL surgery’s go to this other guy.

I get a bill in the mail from the first place for $360.

Tbh I’m freaking livid about it, they provided me no value, no service, after I explained what I needed and bill me for $300+. I understand this is probably more a problem with the American healthcare system but I’m so pissed about it I plan to call them and tell them I’m not going to pay it. Do I have any legal, technical leg to stand on besides the fact that I’m butt hurt? lol

I know I’d probably pay more in legal fees if I was to try and take them to court but I’m having trouble accepting the fact that I have to pay $360 after telling them what I needed and having them bring me in, tell me they can’t do it and charging me. I feel like that’s boarderline scamming. I also understand the lady I spoke to over the phone was probably just a receptionist and didn’t know better but I’m not trying to fight her I’m trying to fight this business (btw this is in Utah).

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Thank you.