Can I cover/partially cover my braces with insurance?

I recently went in for an annual dental cleaning and the dentist informed me I have several cavities and need fillings. I was surprised because I had never had any in the past (I brush twice a day and floss every night). They explained it was due to some severe crowding which is making cleaning between the teeth difficult, and will only get worse with time. I have 2 baby teeth still (I’m 26) that are causing the crowding. They strongly recommended extraction of the baby teeth and application of braces, to fill the gaps left by the baby teeth and to re-align my bite. They said without braces I’m at risk for gum disease and more cavities. Since the braces would be preventative of health issues, could I get them covered by insurance? The only reason I’m considering getting them is to benefit my oral health, I don’t care about the aesthetics of my smile. If it helps, I’m also not eligible for Invisalign/plastic aligners because of the severity of the crowding.

submitted by /u/ParisianPeaches

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