Can I be insured under my employer and under my wife’s employer?

My wife is a public school teacher and has pretty good insurance benefits. Among them, she doesn't have to pay a monthly premium for herself or me or the kids. We're all included. We've used Kaiser the entire time we have been married.

I just got an offer at a public school (university-level) and will be in a similar situation (can insure myself and family with no premium). There appear to be other options aside from Kaiser, and I would get $1500 allowance each year for health spending.

So I am trying to figure out what is allowable, Can our entire family have dual insurances and is there a benefit? If we can, does it make sense for one to be on kaiser and the other on another carrier? Or the same carrier? I feel like worse case scenario, if I cannot do both, we can switch to mine just for the $1500. Is there any downside from switching to my plan and keeping kaiser? Would be essentially be starting over in the system and does that matter?

I am 53 and live in California.

submitted by /u/aja_ramirez

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