Can I add both myself and a dependent to an employer offered insurance plan?

TL;DR can I add both myself and a dependent onto an insurance plan I was not previously on after a qualifying life event?

Hello, in the state of Michigan here. this is a bit of a longshot but it would save me potentially thousands of dollars:

I am currently on a very cheap (maybe cheapest) marketplace plan that I enrolled in this past open enrollment period. $275 monthly premium, $9,450 individual deductible/out of pocket max and $18,900 family deductible/out of pocket max.

I just had my first child (yay!) last week and there were some complications that have resulted in him staying in the NICU for at least a week. My wife also unfortunately had a complicated c-section so I am getting concerned about the upcoming medical bills. Realistically, the care for both my wife and our son will hit OOP max individually for practically any plan that we choose.

My wife has a separate private insurance plan that we could add our son to (premium around $400 after employer reimbursement, individual deductible $950, Individual OOP $9,900, family OOP $18,800.

My employer (small private practice) offered me a medical insurance plan that I turned down last open enrollment period due to the premium being so much higher me personally rarely utilize medical care.

Employer plan (for me and my son) would have a premium of approximately $600/month (after employer pays their portion), individual deductible $250, individual OOP $6,600, family deductible $500, family OOP $13,200.

It's pretty clear by these numbers and the astronomical cost of our medical care that adding my son onto this employer offered plan would be ideal.

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I know I can add a dependent onto an existing plan after a qualifying life event (birth) and get a newborns care covered if added within 30 days of birth. My question is this: can I add both myself and my child onto an employer-offered insurance plan as a part of this qualifying life event and backdate it to be able to cover the cost of my son's care? The employer offered health insurance plan really only makes sense for me if I can get the birth/NICU stay covered. I know I should've just enrolled in this plan from the start of the year, but didn't think it through clearly.

My gut tells me no, and I am asking HR about this, but wanted to get some more perspectives. I hope this was clear and TIA!

submitted by /u/No_Shoulder847