Can asking my insurance about an ambulance bill cause it to go up?

I received a $2000 bill for an ambulance ride that was out-of-network, as they all are here. It says on the bill that they already contacted my insurance and there is something on the bill that says 'Last Payment: Aetna Electronic'. No dollar amount is listed.

Now, I know the company is out-of-network because nothing is in network here. But I don't see an EOB statement from Aetna or anything to indicate they were contacted at all by this company.

I am considering calling Aetna about this. Maybe balance billing will be cheaper? But then, I read about someone who called their insurance company and their bill went up somehow.

Am I risking the bill going up if I talk to my insurance company?

This really sucks given that I pay $500/month for work-subsidized insurance anyway. I'm at my out-of-pocket max for the year from the hospital stuff but I guess the ambulance is separate. Thanks No Surprises Act legislators, you jerks.

submitted by /u/rabidstoat

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