Can a parent take a minor off their health insurance?

I have a friend (17F) in a rough family situation. She only has one parent and that parent is abusive and neglectful. My friend- I’ll call her rose – recently found out she’s pregnant and wants to make an appointment to draw blood to confirm and make sure it’s going well because she’s had miscarriages in the past. her parent is aware of this and told rose to find an OB but not to use rose’s insurance card. rose called her provider to ask a few questions and found out her parent removed her from the insurance. she is now stuck without health insurance and her parent takes her money so she’s trapped, and her parent will be kicking her out soon when she turns 18. she desperately needs to see a doctor to make sure she’s okay but is in no place financially right now and has an overwhelming amount going on driving her to deep depression. I guess my question is, is there any way around this? Does anyone have any ideas on how to help her situation whatsoever? I’m 18 and have no idea to help as she’s not even in the same state as me, we’re basically two kids trying to keep her off the streets right now. she wants to keep this child more than anything and her bf is full supportive but her bf is only 18 as well and they have yet to break the news to his parents. she’s about to talk to him about it and see what ideas he may have, and potentially talk to his parents to see if there’s any way they can offer support but i have no idea how they will take it. Any advice is appreciated.

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edit: rose lives in Michigan, I’m not sure what her zip code is though. she currently has no income and what little she may make, her parents takes.