can a hospital choose which insurance to charge

Medicare and VA do not coordinate benefits with one another. You can choose which one you want to try to use. For the VA, you need to receive a pre-authorization to get care at a non-VA hospital. Medicare may also have pre-authorization requirements depending on exactly what you’re getting done.

You’ll need to choose which benefits to use each time you receive care.

To use VA benefits, you’ll need to get care at a VA medical center or other VA location. We’ll also cover your care if we pre-authorize you (meaning we give you permission ahead of time) to get services in a non-VA hospital or other care setting. Keep in mind that you may need to pay a VA copayment for non-service-connected care.

If you go to a non-VA (or VA authorized) care facility, Medicare may pay for other services you may need during your stay. Or, if we only authorize some services in a non-VA location, then Medicare may pay for other services you may need during your stay. Check your Medicare plan, so you know which care locations and services you’re covered for.

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