Buying private insurance-self employed

We are both self employed. My husband's company is just him but he is an S Corp so his company earnings flow into our AGI yearly so even though we don't use that money for personal things it impacts our ability to find affordable coverage in the ACA Marketplace. It varies so much year to year we can't afford it.

We're looking into buying a private policy for health insurance but so many of the people are so predatory and dishonest about the plans and coverage we are confused about if it's even a possibility to get a decent policy outside of the marketplace. We just want a policy that is ongoing, that we can stay with and not get jerked around each year during renewal.

Has anyone else bought a plan privately that can tell me about the process?

Are we required to go through a broker?

I've spoken to a few people but only one seems legit enough to show me his Insurance license in my state and I verified that he is licensed. Though he is a contractor for that insurance company. I get being a contractor as I am one as well in a different line of work but it's terrifying to go through this process and I'm afraid I'll get scammed.

Thanks for you input and advice.

submitted by /u/Galaxaura

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