
Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience. I've been self employed for half a decade now, and have been using marketplace insurance to keep my health covered. I have always chosen the BCBS PPO Gold in my state (IL). Part of the reason i choose the plan i do is to cover my therapy. This year I considered doing a silver plan, and a united health group plan, but considering all the factors, I choose to stick with what i had before. This meant that I had $15 copays for therapy, low cost generics through mail order pharmacy, and vision coverage.

Earlier this year, i got a surprise bill from my therapist. Instead of my regular $15 copay, I now have to pay 20% for each visit because it's a "specialist". That change wasn't noted on my healthcare.gov plan. Additionally, when i signed up for the healthcare.gov plan, i checked – vision was included. I just got off the phone with BCBS and now, magically it isn't included.

I tried to log into healthcare.gov to look at the info for the plans i signed up for, and guess what – It's not there!

I feel lied to, and defrauded. These changes matter, and either the .gov website had the wrong information, or BCBS changed the plan without notice. Does anyone have any ideas about how to deal with this in the time being? I can't change plans til open enrollment. I can't go back in time and take screenshots. I'm at a loss.

submitted by /u/napsandlaps

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