Blue shield of Ca—prenatal bills

Hi all. Any help is greatly appreciated. Having a baby is crazy expensive! I’ll give some background. First pregnancy, insurance through work-blue shield ca/ bronze full PPO 6250/50 OffEx plan through work. I’ve never had this many medical bills and I’m starting to really freak out as I am due in 3 months.

I’m married, total income $110k, living in Los Angeles, we do not qualify for any assistance. Everything has been paid out of pocket if denied by the insurance. My husband has Kaiser and adding me to his insurance would be $500 monthly. We decided against that option.

I’m getting such contradicting bills. The bill break down I am getting in the mail (from the hospitals/doctors) have different amounts than those from the insurance online portal. This makes it incredibly hard to even understand what bill is what.

Just yesterday I received a bill for genetic testing, that my OB ordered. It was never presented as an option of taking it, again-first pregnancy. $550 for the lab work. Went through my in network hospital (UCLA Health) to draw the blood and do the scan. My online bill says my insurance covered over $3k of the bill. But the bill I got from the lab says my insurance denied the claim and they made several attempts to appeal.

Is there anything I need to do here? I’m getting too pregnant to care but I need to figure this out before the baby comes. (Ofc I’m due in Jan. So all my deductibles reset—again. First pregnancy!!)

Thanks for reading and if there are any resources or info you can provide, I’d greatly appreciate it! I know I have to call my insurance but I don’t even know what to say. Help!

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