Birth control Insurance question


I am 21 year old female that is still on my parents insurance. My parents are extreme conservative Christians and do not believe in sex before marriage. Therefore, I have to be very careful about my birth control options. I really do not like the idea of hormonal birth control, so I have been considering the IUDs.

I went through the health department (without insurance) and got a copper IUD two years ago. I recently got it removed because of extreme pain and cramping that was not getting better and I could not take it anymore.

I loved the convenience and local hormone options of the IUDs. So, my question is, if I go to a practice and use my insurance (which my parents pay for) would there be any way for them to find out about the IUD? I believe my insurance covers all birth control.

If there is a way for them to find out, I refuse to risk it. Therefore, my next question is, if I went to the health department or PP would I be charged for this second IUD? They did not charge me for the first one, but I did get it taken out early. (Was supposed to last 10 years).


submitted by /u/Laurisrunning

See also  Expectations of the Health Insurance sector from the Union Budget 2022 - CNBCTV18