Billed $1,200 for and IV at ER for tonsilitis

A month ago I visited the ER for swollen tonsils. I was having difficulty breathing because of the swelling. My tonsils had been giving my trouble for a while. The doctor initially thought it was an abscess and ordered a cat scan which was covered by insurance. It was not an abscess. They then took some blood and ran some tests for mono any other diseases, which came back negative. This was also covered by insurance. However during this time I received steroids from an IV to reduce the swelling. My insurance paid for the steroids but not the IV which totaled $1,000. I paid my copay before leaving the ER; $200. So now, I'm looking at being liable for a $1,200 ER visit. In my mind the IV may not have even been necessary and had I known it wasn't covered by insurance I would not have consented to have it put in.

Is there anything I can do in this situation to dispute the claim or am I doomed?

A broke college student submitted by /u/Additional_Sun_2233

See also  Insurance denied ambulance service from one hospital to another because it was out of network. OOP max is met. Advice on the next steps?