Best options for insurance if I resign from job

Morning all, I have a question and figured this would be a decent place to start

Background 28, work in finance, very toxic work place, crazy boss, etc. I pay for my own health insurance through work

Recently had surgery on my hip. It was a whole ordeal to get time off. It was supposed to be 2 weeks off and turned into 4. I was told surgery went well, but the surgeon had broken a small piece of drill bit off that was stuck in my bone and made the decision to leave it in there due to risk of more issues if they tried to get it out.

Anyways 2mths later I’m having more issues with my hip. Not sure if failed surgery or specifically issues from that drill bit left in. But still driving me nuts and something is definitely off.

Boss pretty much threatened to fire me if I schedule dr appointments during the day (it’s a sophisticated ortho surgeon they don’t have appointments off hours) and won’t let me leave for an hour mid day to see doctor.

Haven’t taking a sick day since I started working there 4yrs ago Haven’t taken a vacation day since before covid started

I 100% need to see surgeon asap. Im going in to work ready to resign this week if need be but these medical bills aren’t cheap as we all know.

I already hit my deductible this yr (ends in April) still have 2mths of PT, and who knows, I may have to get procedure redone or an alternative one to extract the bit

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Any one have any helpful input? Or am I just shit out of luck.
