Best NY health insurance for self employed couple

My husband (37M) and I (30F) have been health plan shopping in NY with very little luck. We are self employed with a high income. I wanted Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, or any insurer that is largely accepted so we could go to different specialists without worries. I call the numbers they suggest and then they keep sending me to other numbers. Had the run around with Aetna. We don’t qualify for any income based discounts and are happy to pay a high monthly price for a great plan. Right now we have a PPO. We pay around $950 per month for the two of us but our plan isn’t great (no rental or vision and a high deductible rate and somewhat high copays too) and our in-network doctors are generally not great.

I have called multiple insurance agents with no luck. I end up just getting dozens of calls over the next few days with no one who can find a plan that works for us other than within the First Health network. In the past we haven’t used the marketplace because it’s so expensive but now I’m considering going back to that even though costs will be $1500 a month for us two. We don’t have pre-existing conditions but do want to start a family soon. Does any have any suggestions? I am so disappointed with our options and feeling quite disheartened.

submitted by /u/quitemysterious

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