Best course of action for two out-of-state college students with parent on expensive marketplace plan

I am self-employed and have an outrageously expensive $1800/mo. BCBS family plan through the marketplace in AZ with myself (parent) and two college-aged student children on the plan. This year BCBS dropped out-of-state doctor visits, with emergency coverage only when not in AZ. There is not a single marketplace plan available in Arizona with out of state coverage. I am not eligible for subsidies.

My youngest is going to be a freshman and my oldest a senior in colleges in different states in the fall so I won't have any more kids/dependents living at home full-time. Neither have chronic health conditions or any issues that require office visits on a regular basis when at school, any appts are done over breaks when back home.

I believe this definitely would be a qualifying event for my freshman, not sure about the senior? The student health insurance plans offered through the schools are $200/mo and $280/mo – looks to be decent coverage. Or is it better to look into marketplace plans in their respective states? I don't even know how to find out what my individual cost would be (do I call BCBS,, but I imagine I can find a decent plan for less than $1320/mo!

Trying to save a little money here because my plan is overkill for them, any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. This year is my first on a marketplace plan and not sure where to start. Thank you!

submitted by /u/gysum

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