Being billed full amount for annual physical

Not sure why this is happening but I'm being billed ~$430 for what was supposed to be a regular annual physical (no labs, bloodwork, etc). I've been seeing this MemorialCare doctor for the past 3 years now and haven't had issues regarding insurance (bcbs of illinois) until now. My insurance at the time of the physical didn't change for those 3 years and my provider still accepts it. I don't think anything was mentioned to my doctor to warrant the exam from not being preventative. Also, the description for the charge is exactly "Periodic Preventative Med Est Patient 18-39 yrs". It's been over a year since my last physical. I was also charged the full amount for the Tdap vaccine ($103), which was expired, as well as for the last dose of the hpv vaccine ($60). Again, I did have the same insurance for those 3 years and was not charged for annual exams/vaccines in previous years.

I'm definitely going to call up my insurance/doctor's office to figure out whats going on. But has anyone experienced this before? I thought annual physical exams were covered by insurance?

submitted by /u/_lebrons_Hairline

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